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Anytime you start a sentence with I am, you are creating what you are and what you want to be. So, if you sometimes say, I am bad at this, I am ugly, I am stupid, these words take you farther and farther away from the part of you that is God. When you choose to say, I am happy, I am kind, I am perfect, you help the light of God inside you to grow and shine.
I ASKED GOD… to take away my pride, and He said; “It was not for Him to take it away, but for me to give it up!
I ASKED GOD… to heal my body, and He said; “Your spirit is whole, your body is only temporary.”
I ASKED GOD… to grant me patience, and He said; “Patience is a by-product of tribulation, it isn’t granted, it is earned.”
I ASKED GOD… to give me happiness, and He said; “I give you blessing,
happiness is up to you.”
I ASKED GOD… to spare me pain, and He said; “Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.”
I ASKED GOD… to make my spirit grow, and He said; “You must grow on your own, but I will prune your branches and make you fruitful.”
I ASKED GOD… to help me love others, as much as He loves me, and He said; “Finally you have the right idea."
In the April, 1977 Graduate Review, Werner discusses the concept of enlightenment via est and how it relates to the self: "In the experience of enlightenment, the self ceases to be a thing stuck in a particular location or position. You are no longer that thing over there and I this thing over here. Instead, I experience myself as the space which that thing I call 'you' and that thing I call 'me' exists. As that unfolds, you have less and less attachment to that position, that thing which you have called yourself. Finally, there's no real distinction, in terms of what's important, between the thing you call yourself and the thing you call somebody else. That dichotomy begins to break down. When I discover MY self and when you discover YOUR self, you and I will discover the same self. So then, compassion becomes very NATURAL. Not something you do. In other words, one doesn't now ACT compassionate ‑‑ one IS compassionate in that the self recognizes ALL as itself.
The human spirit is truly unconquerable. But the will to win, the will to succeed, to shape one’s life, to take control, can only be harnessed when you decide what you want, and believe that no challenge, no problem, no obstacle can keep you from it. When you decide that your life will ultimately be shaped not by conditions, but by your decisions, then, in that moment, your life will change forever…
There is darkness deep, so deep, within the monster of my soul, buried in dark chambers and corridors, uncountable levels below "the labyrinth of the hairy monster with the evil grin". Dark murky thoughts not fit to be retold or shaped into words within my own mind. Frightening darkness of pure evil, noone knows where it comes from, where it was born; might be a whisper from dark demons outside the scope of my eyes, barely audible enough to seep into the shadow of my awareness, stepping stones near the surface of my unconscious. Or is it my unconscious tenderly hearing the demons of the collective?
I do not know.
As every sage through the aeons has said before me; I do not know.
If Jung were to read this, he'd nod, smile a little, light his pipe, and perhaps utter; "good start my boy".
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
Without exception, begin every day of your life with gratitude. As you look in the mirror, say, 'Thank you, God, for life, for my body, for my family and loved ones, for this day, and for the opportunity to be of service. Thank you, thank you, thank you!' -
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